Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Interview with Livia Ellis

Halloween Interview with Livia Ellis

Emily - Have you ever tried Bloody Mary?
Livia - Bloody Mary the game or Bloody Mary the yummy cocktail made from vodka and spicy tomato juice? Because I'm fond of both.
Emily - Favorite part of Halloween…
Livia - Dressing up!!! I'm a big big Star Trek fan. I'll be wearing my Janice Rand red StarFleet mini-dress and black gogo boots. I spent nearly three hours getting my hair done this afternoon. Fortunately my stylist is also a big StarTrek fan – he knew exactly what I wanted!!!
Emily - Do you believe in ghosts?
Livia - Absolutely!!! I firmly believe there is more to what exists in the world than what we can see. I've encountered a few ghosts in my time. I also live in Dublin. There are ghosts everywhere. I try to avoid the campus of Trinity College after dark and really don't like going through some areas in Temple Bar. Everyone knows it's haunted.
Emily - Have you ever been haunted?
Livia - The last house I lived in was haunted. I had a lady living in my basement. Before the house was converted back in the 80's the basement was actually where the old kitchen and the original bathroom were located. Very creepy! The basement lady was okay with me, but really didn't like any men going downstairs.
Emily - Favorite Monster
Livia - Does Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer count?
Emily - Do you have a favorite Horror Flick?
Livia - Ghostbusters.
Emily - Horror Story
Livia - The Stand (I'm rereading it right now) or the The Shining.
Emily - Horror Author
Livia -  Stephen King

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