Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Interview with Livia Ellis

Halloween Interview with Livia Ellis

Emily - Have you ever tried Bloody Mary?
Livia - Bloody Mary the game or Bloody Mary the yummy cocktail made from vodka and spicy tomato juice? Because I'm fond of both.
Emily - Favorite part of Halloween…
Livia - Dressing up!!! I'm a big big Star Trek fan. I'll be wearing my Janice Rand red StarFleet mini-dress and black gogo boots. I spent nearly three hours getting my hair done this afternoon. Fortunately my stylist is also a big StarTrek fan – he knew exactly what I wanted!!!
Emily - Do you believe in ghosts?
Livia - Absolutely!!! I firmly believe there is more to what exists in the world than what we can see. I've encountered a few ghosts in my time. I also live in Dublin. There are ghosts everywhere. I try to avoid the campus of Trinity College after dark and really don't like going through some areas in Temple Bar. Everyone knows it's haunted.
Emily - Have you ever been haunted?
Livia - The last house I lived in was haunted. I had a lady living in my basement. Before the house was converted back in the 80's the basement was actually where the old kitchen and the original bathroom were located. Very creepy! The basement lady was okay with me, but really didn't like any men going downstairs.
Emily - Favorite Monster
Livia - Does Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer count?
Emily - Do you have a favorite Horror Flick?
Livia - Ghostbusters.
Emily - Horror Story
Livia - The Stand (I'm rereading it right now) or the The Shining.
Emily - Horror Author
Livia -  Stephen King

Buy her book!!

Cover Reveal - Reaper!!

The world of ghosts and spirits is nothing new to eighteen year old Anora Benson; she’s spent her whole life trying to ignore them, trying to be normal. But when the Pricolici, a group of ancient bounty hunters, are sent after her, Anora realizes she is more than just a medium.

As a witch she has power, power she doesn’t know how to use, power that makes her vulnerable to the demons that desire her gifts. Anora is alone and scared, forced to face the darkness on her own. Then she meets Ethan, a mysterious boy who shows up in her life right along with the magic, and he seems to know quite a bit about her and her legacy Coven. Will she risk everything by trusting him or risk fighting alone?


Buy Unbound in paperback at:

 Emily Goodwin resides in Indiana, where she lives with her husband, many four legged children and their much loved German Shepherd named Vader. Accused of being a day dreamer, Emily began writing at an early age, making use of her active imagination. She has a degree in psychology, is currently working on her second degree in nursing, likes anything paranormal, 80's rock, going on crazy adventures with her friends and is an animal rights activist.

REAPER Book 2 in The Guardian Legacies

After discovering her destiny as a witch, Anora is on a mission to find out everything she can about the magical world. Unbeknownst to her, the creatures of that world are trying to find out everything they can about her…and the people closest to her.

With Ethan and Hunter to protect her, Anora feels safe and happy with her new life. That is, until she begins to be plagued with terrifying visions that only she can see, leaving her full of fear and doubt. What if the hallucinations are real? What if there is something dark out there that can attack her from within?

If Anora can’t even trust herself, who can she turn to?


*Released Halloween, 2012*

Enter to win!!

A print copy of Unbound and Reaper
Ecopy of Unbound and Reaper
Custom Bookmark

Code: a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Review of Compulsion

A family secret kept hidden has been exposed, and the consequences could be deadly.

After Lilyann Moon's beloved grandmother dies shrouded by a veil of mystery, she and her young family members are yanked from their completely normal lives and catapulted directly into the supernatural world of witchcraft. A world they know absolutely nothing about.

The town of Hampstead, Maryland has no idea of the monsters that lurk in their midst. Or, of the dangers they will face if the Moon Coven doesn't figure out how to embrace the magick within each of them, especially Lily.

She's suddenly up to her little pointy black hat in magickal problems. Destiny presented her with one more, and it's a big one - vampires.

The only bright spot in this nightmare was meeting Mason. But, is she in love with the enemy? Lilyann is in a race against time to save her town and coven. Will she survive the coming dangers, with her heart and neck intact?

It all comes down to this one night...

All Hallows Eve.


Compulsion appealed to me because I haven't read a lot of witch oriented books, and I thought I should start. While this book has a lot of characters and in the beginning I was trying to sort out who was who, I felt compelled, see what I did there, to continue reading.  I enjoyed the story, I enjoyed that Lily wasn't immediately willing to give up everything for a vampire. I also liked the history behind the reason they had to do what they did, all and all it was a very enjoyable read as are the novellas. You will love this book if you are a fan of paranormal romance and also like a lady who can kick some ass. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Guest Post from Dominique Goodall

For the past two weeks (and a few days) I’ve been involved in a huge competition which makes use of your skills in social media as well as writing.  I used a piece which involves characters from my upcoming book, Echoes of Winter but in a different setting where magic flows and wolves can fly. (But only if they have wings, of course!)

It’s been an interesting thing to do – I’ve asked people for honest reviews and mostly the feedback has been amazing! Short stories aren’t my forte but this one seems to have appealed to people for some reason. Some people didn’t think the pacing was too fast, or that I told rather than showed the reader what was happening/in the scenery. Some people believed that this was part of a larger piece (which it isn’t, but I do plan another short ‘installment’ to finish the story.)

Other people are fascinated by the ideas represented in the story. Two friends, close enough to call themselves sisters, are torn apart by the depression of one and her failure to care about the responsibilities she has. What made people even more interested was that these weren’t humans – these were wolves and yet they had emotions like those everyone feels.

Relying on other people to review and vote is a patchy business and yet I’ve managed to remain in the top ten for the last week and a half! I’ve had a lot of support from friends and writing groups, who often go and hit the tweet button. The reviews count as well, as I prefer honest reviews. If you love it, write that and more importantly…tell me why! If you hate it, again – I want to know why you hate it.

An author can only progress with the constructive criticism of the type I’ve received, so thank you to everyone who HAS reviewed it.

Interested in reading yourself? Does this synopsis sound like something you could enjoy?
‘When winter springs a challenging blizzard onto a pack besieged with doubt? What will happen to the wolves that have been chased from their home, have lost their Alpha male and are watching their Alpha female die? Well, if Kamduis has anything to do with it, she'll have a lot to do with it! Read on for this tale which mentions the wolf goddess Luna, winged wolves and betrayal between two sisters who have no real bond but the love in their hearts and the song which joins them together as pack.’

If so, then take a look here!

Dominique Goodall is the author of the soon to be released Echoes of Winter, book one in the Seasons of the Wolf series and a self-confessed wolf addict. She has currently been published in two anthologies by Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing and is currently working on getting herself better known by sending in manuscripts for as many different anthologies as she possibly can.

 As much as she loves to admit it, she never will be able to count her wolf stuff- there’s nothing left for her to be truly able to collect without her own home.

 She can be friended on Facebook here:

Her author page on Facebook is here:

The page for Echoes of Winter is here:

Her twitter name is:!/DomGoodall

And her blog can be found here:

And the trailer for her book is here:

Friday, October 19, 2012

Review of Unafraid!!

I haven't hidden my feelings for Cat Miller or Unbound which I loved. I was very excited with the release of Unafraid and dying to know how Tessa and Griffin started out. She didn't disappoint me and I loved it!

Griffin is a young future Councilman and leader of the Vampire Nation. As the only surviving son from the House of Vaughn he has been groomed since birth for the position. His parents' plans for the future of their House are a constant weight he must bear.

Tessa is a waitress who has been struggling to survive on her own since the death of her parents and the rejection of her family. The clairvoyant dreams that have plagued her since her childhood force her into a solitary existence.

Tempers flare and the battle between duty and desire ignites when their two worlds collide on a life changing cold winter night. Tessa’s heart hangs in the balance. Griffin is the only one who can tip the scales. Will his good intentions and love for Tessa be enough?

My Review

There was so much emotion coming from the pages of this novella, or jumping at me like electric bugs from my Kindle. I really loved Tessa's character in Unbound and Unafraid just made me love her that much more. She doesn't take any crap, and Griffin is deliciously complicated. Their story was just as fantastic as I thought it would be, and I love Cat's way of telling a story. Great job and I will be looking for the future of the Forbidden Bond series for sure!!

Week 17: The Next Big Thing

Questions and Answers about my WIP

What is the working title of your book? Long Road Full Speed Ahead

Where did the idea come from for the book? It is based on real life events and my kooky imagination.

What genre does your book fall under? Adult Fiction/Drama

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? Possibly Lea Michelle and Jesse Eisenburg for the leads. Off the top of my head.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book? A young girl struggles with abuse, addiction, and abortion while going to school.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency? Mystic Press will have it on January 5th.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript? Four months, but I didn't work on it consistently.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? Possibly ... no I don't know... The movie Requiem for a Dream comes to mind without all the icky parts.

Who or what inspired you to write this book? Lots of things I have read, watched, heard, and experienced.

What else about your book might pique the reader's interest? It has a dark humor running beneath the drama... 

My Five Lovely Ladies

Monday, October 15, 2012

Zombified Giveaway!!

Alright after talking with my publisher Zombified is coming down for a revise and deep edit, I do still however have these great Zombie Hello Kitty Earrings to give away, If you have already entered by buying Zombified great and I hope you 
love it! If you want to enter to win them then please purchase the $1.99 novella Eerie Vamp Stories

You get one entry for buying it and 2 entries for buying it and leaving a review.

Sorry for any zombie confusion, but there will be two new owners of Hello Kitty Zombie earrings and the price to enter just went down!!


In honor of Halloween and Zombies 
Simply post beneath here when you buy it, and then again when you review it. There will be two winners!! Thank you everyone!!!
{You may also let me know you purchased, reviewed and shared on my facebook.}

                         ENTER THE ZOMBIFIED WEBSITE

What people are saying about Zombified!

**** Four Stars ****

Not “just another Zombie story,” “Zombified” is the first person narrative of high-school student Cassie, who happens to be enduring a boring class when the Apocalypse occurs-no, not nuclear holocaust, the Zombies arrive, attacking the school and the military/SWAT team in place to prevent that. Lock-down of the school doesn’t help, and teacher Ms. Hamrick is bitten, then turned. Cassie finally gets to spend time with heartthrob Brett, as he helps her hide out. But Ms. Hamrick took a nibble on Cassie’s finger, so it’s only a matter of time.

“Zombified” categories Zombie classes, from the purely dead to the shamblers to the ones who are still cognizant-and actually talking, even though nobody (including each other) can comprehend them. Even in Zombification, friendship, familial love, and crushing still exist-who would have thought so?

Hopefully “Zombified” will lead to sequels, as Cassie still has a lot of life-umm, of “undead” in her.


My first thought of Zombiefied is that it’s definitely a page turner. I finished the book in one day. The opening of the book was astonishing to say the least. To be inside Cassie’s head as she was devouring her victim was awesome. It reminded me of the anime High School of the Dead once the flashback started. This subject has been something rarely touched, but I enjoyed the ride. I love the fact that we got to see what it was like for a zombie to become one and even being one after the fact.

Diving into the past and reliving the day she was bit was intriguing. It allowed me to meet her best friend and her crush Brett briefly. When the zombies began attacking the school everything kicked into high gear.

When her teacher lunged at her after talking, it kind of threw me off because zombies usually die before eating people. But then as I read more I saw that people were actually capable of being zombies before actually fully turning. Ms. Hamrick had really bit her. Ugh, made me upset because even though I knew she’d be a zombie I was hoping not so soon. I was secretly rooting for Cassie to make it haha, she even got to be with the guy she always wanted.
I actually laughed out loud about the bath salt line; it was great to see that thrown in there because of the recent news casting truly surrounding that.

“I had literally bitten my crush’s face off!” was my favorite line.

The phrase Reddy Teddy was hilarious in its own right.

I was rooting for the two (Brett and Cassie) but it didn’t last. That actually stayed on my mind the whole time I read the story. I felt bad for the guy because she left him in the dust after biting his face off. I wanted to see him pop back up somewhere but it never happened. Her loyalty to Rose was more than to anyone else it seemed and I found that odd. I wanted to scream go find Brett haha.

Introducing the new characters seemed easily done and not forced which is always a great thing. It was very believable.

All in all, the author dragged you deep into her world and kept you on the edge of your seat. Not knowing when someone would turn on you, you had to be cautious of everything and everyone. She vividly painted the world from the eyes of Cassie. Zombiefied is one that will make you laugh, and then in an instant want to cry. In some instances it makes you want to yell “Why in the world did you get out of the truck?!” Hahaha. It reminded me of Zombieland, with a little of The Walking Dead which I love.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and it seems to be set up for a sequel. I give Zombiefied 4.5 out of 5 stars only because I was worried about Brett the whole time and want to see what happened to him. Not to mention Cage. She gave up on the guy right when he snapped and stuck with Rose yet again who had long been crazy. I think I’m just a romantic at heart and wanted to see a little more of it even though this book was definitely about that. You did a great job and I will be looking for more from you.


I was hooked immediately after reading the prologue. I found it disturbingly hilarious. I really hope that it was meant to be that way or I will feel pretty twisted for finding it comical lol. I haven't read many zombie books, but this one was extremely refreshing.  I enjoyed reading Cassie's experience before and after her turn. It was very enjoyable and I would definitely recommend it! I must say, the epilogue was just as entertaining as the prologue. It kinda leaves it open for another book... hint, hint, Emily :-)


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Yoga DeAge - Robert Puzey

A once-lame and mechanical body that receives the Child-Age Affirmation suddenly awakens with a thrust of child-like energy. This super-energy is created out of raw material, novel stimuli, e.g., visualize an orange snowstorm! During childhood the triad, spirit/body/mind, vibrates in perfect harmony. In a flashback this harmonious resonance is re-experienced. Yoga-De-Age Programme explores ways to expend the rush of fresh energy so as to make room for more energy. This biological conversion regenerates tissue, refreshes the mental outlook, and nurtures spiritual awareness. At this marvelous juncture, miracle healing is possible. The old may be replaced with the new, just the way it happened when you and I were little.

Disease is fine-tuned to a person's particular circumstances. The potential for healing and de-ageing lies within us all. Sometimes when doctors, surgeons, oncologists, etc., give up on a patient, it can be very hard to ignore their professional opinion; however, you can self-heal and de-age regardless of what they say. The human body doesn't rust like metal; rather it endlessly regenerates new cells. For instance: the skin replaces itself in the space of a month, the stomach lining in five days, and the liver in six weeks.

When we become physically or mentally ill, the body and mind runs down to a low ebb. It is from the depths of this cavernous darkness that you have to light a tiny flame of hope, believe with all your heart and soul that disease and premature ageing is reversible. A result might take a minute or a week; your purview must extend beyond worldly limitations. If you're reading through this book attempting any exercises, cast doubts away, hold on to your faith, and become young and healthy!


My Thoughts

I found this book really intriguing as you could put yourself in a situation where you feel younger, it is therapy for your body, and an interesting way to go about it.

Friday, October 5, 2012

A Bite of Magic Giveaway!!!

Magic isn't a handful of sparkling dust, a star-topped wand, or a tame word captured on parchment.

It's alive. It has a mind of its own. And it's hungry.

To celebrate the release of Slippers of Pearl and Bitten: A Novel of Faerie, I'd like to offer a bite of magic to all those who love kidlit--and fairy tales in particular.

There will be eleven winners and six different prizes available:

A Bite of Cobbler

Shoes, unlike magic, are predictable. They don’t change shape, bite, or alter a person’s destiny.
And that’s just how Faryn likes it.

But his Uncle Harvey has a bad habit of dying. While inconvenient, this hasn’t ever been a problem until now. Thanks to an evil witch and a poisoned apple turnover, Harvey is dead again—permanently this time.

As his uncle’s heir, Faryn has to give up shoemaking in order to accept and refine his magic.
Magic he never wanted.

Unwilling to let go of his dream, but unable to escape his destiny, Faryn combines the two and discovers a knack for making magical shoes. He also learns that turning a person into a goose is a lot easier than turning her back, and that he severely underestimated how much trouble magic can be.
The witch who killed his uncle is trying to control all the magic of the land, and it’s up to Faryn to stop her. If only he can get his magic to cooperate in time. 

an autographed copy of Slippers of Pearl
a magical pouch to keep it in
and a Slippers of Pearl bookmark

A Bite of Faerie
(Available October 2nd-ish)

Fourteen-year-old Cherrie Wilding stopped believing in fairies after her Grams had a stroke that left her a silent, empty stranger. But whether she believes in them or not, one of them bit her, and now the venom is spreading through her system and causing  . . . complications. Like an allergy to iron and a craving for milk.

It turns out that fairy venom has the power to turn mortals into small, winged versions of themselves. And it gets better. Grams's stroke was the result of her light—her fairy soul—being stolen. The fairy who bit Cherrie demands her to help steal Grams’s light back. 
As much as Cherrie wants to save Grams, her need to protect her older brother from the fairies and the rest of the real world wins out. Who knows what lurks in a world populated by winged menaces? But when the fairy talks Cherrie’s brother into going to the fairy realm, Cherrie mounts a rescue attempt to save him. To her surprise, it’s not her brother who needs rescuing—it’s the fairies. Someone is stealing their lights and imprisoning them, and it’s up to Cherrie and her brother to free them. But saving the fairies, keeping her brother safe, and returning home requires the help of the Phoenix. And the price for his aid doesn’t come cheap. If Cherrie wants to succeed, she must be willing to part with her greatest possession: her heart.

an autographed copy of Bitten: A Novel of Faerie
a faerie habitat
a Bitten bookmark

A Bite of Books

1 $25 Amazon Gift Card

Two Bites of Music

2 $15 iTunes Gift Cards

Six Bites of Braun Books Certificates

6 $10 gift certificates to Braun Books; redeemable in store or through Amazon
(A special thanks to Megan at Braun Books!)

To enter, leave a comment. Extra entries available through the Rafflecopter below.

Thank you to all, and best of luck!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, October 1, 2012

If I Were You

Buy links 

The steamy first installment in the Inside Out erotic romance trilogy by Lisa Renee Jones, in the bestselling tradition of Fifty Shades of Grey.

When Sara McMillan finds a stack of journals in a storage unit, she’s shocked and enthralled by the erotic life the writer led. Unable to stop reading, she vicariously lives out dark fantasies through Rebecca, the writer—until the terrifying final entry.

Certain something sinister has happened, Sara sets out to discover the facts, immersing herself in Rebecca’s life. Soon she’s working at the art gallery Rebecca worked at and meeting Rebecca’s friends. Finding herself drawn to two dangerously sexy men, the manager of the gallery and a famed artist, Sara realizes she’s going down the same path Rebecca took. But with the promise of her dark needs being met by a man with confident good looks and a desire for control, she’s not sure anything else matters. Just the burn for more.