Summer of Zombie Blog Tour Post #4 - Interview with Julianne Snow
Tell us about any WIPs you have.
At the moment, Days with the Undead: Book Two is in the pipeline to be released later this year. I have had a Zombie short picked up by a small press for release, so I’m definitely looking forward to that. Later this month, I’m hoping to release a novella length collection of some of my short Zombie stories as well. I find that I don’t stick to one main trope while writing in the genre of the Undead, so it’s always nice to be able to showcase the types of stories that I enjoy writing.
In a word sum up your writing style.
Varied. At times I can be descriptive and in others, I want the piece to have a different feel. I like the idea that a story can be read from a reference point within a reader’s mind. That makes it so much more poignant or terrifying for them. On those occasions when the subject matter fits for it to be set in any town at any time, I let the characters and the plot take root and blossom from the landmarks and situations the reader has encountered. I love getting emails from readers who tell me they could see it all happen in front of their eyes in their own town. That’s a great feeling!
Do you have a character you enjoyed writing the most?
I love all of my characters equally. They become like family to me as they take form through my words.
Is there a genre you would like to try?
I would love to write something in the steampunk genre mainly because I enjoy reading it. We’ll see if that comes to fruition.
Could you live without coffee?
Absolutely. I don’t drink it anyways. Preparing myself for the Apocalypse when there will be no coffee…
Tell us one of your favorite jokes.
This is an old joke, but it still makes me snicker…
Son: "Mom can I get twenty bucks"
Mom: Does it look like I am made of money
Son: "Well isn't that what M.O.M stands for?
What's your favorite thing about the writing process?
Creativity. I love being creative and even if the subject has been explored by others, I love having the ability to explore it in the way my mind thinks about it.
Three facts about you.
I don’t drink coffee
I have three brothers
I am terrified of birds. And spiders.
Do you believe in UFOs?
Do I believe in Unidentified Flying Objects – absolutely!
What was your favorite snack growing up?
Pop Tarts – we never got to have them very often so when we did, it was a treat!
Would you rather have fame or fortune?
Neither. Both have so many problems that come along with them. I would like to have enough money to continue creating my art and the knowledge that I had fans out in the world. That’s enough for me.
Pick one book that is your all-time favorite?
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. The whole series was such a delight from my childhood and I read them every year.
Embarrassing guilty pleasure
Hmmm… I don’t get embarrassed very easily… Perhaps my appreciation of Lady Gaga would fit in here. It’s not my preferred style of music, but it sure speaks to me on a deeper level.
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I’m actually both, just a different times and in different situations.
Muppet - Fozzy Bear – waka waka waka!
Cartoon growing up – Fables of the Green Forest
Color - Green
Type of Monster – The Undead
Do you speed when you drive? Sometimes. I think we all do.
Spaghetti or Lasagna and why? Lasagna. I like the well done corners.
Your thoughts on Self-Publishing
If someone wants to self-publish their books, I think it’s fantastic there’s a platform for it. There are so many terrific authors publishing their own work that never would have been published otherwise.
Your thoughts on Zombies
I love the genre! I wouldn’t want to meet one, but I certainly enjoy reading about them, watching them, and writing about them.
Do you believe in the Loch Ness Monster?
Are you a tweeter, a re-tweeter, or you couldn't care less about Twitter?
I am both a tweeter and a re-tweeter.
Would you rather sit on a porch with sweet tea {insert other beverage if tea isn't your thing} or go hiking with a bottle of water and a smile?
I like to do both of those things, just at different times. In all honesty, it comes down to humidity. If it’s humid, I’d rather be sitting on a porch!
Your favorite type of music
Alternative rock
Your favorite color of Skittle
Your favorite memory
Watching Anne of Green Gables with my granddad. He cried when Diana’s sister got sick and it was the first time I realized that strong men could cry. I was nine and he died shortly thereafter, but the memory taught me an important lesson.
Your favorite quote
I have two…
Expect problems and eat them for breakfast - Alfred A. Montapert
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience - Unknown
Your favorite way to spend an evening
Relaxing with a cup of peppermint tea and my kindle. Or a movie.
Tell us what you are working on now!
At the moment, I have a few projects on the go. Some of them are secret, so I can’t talk about them, but I can tell you that I will be appearing in a few upcoming anthologies as well as releasing Days with the Undead: Book Two and possibly Book Three before the end of the year!
Anything you would like to say to the aspiring authors reading this blog?
Keep at it. If writing is truly your passion, don’t let anything stand in front of your dream. Also, read. There’s nothing more important than the study of your art.
Julianne Snow’s Bio:
It was while watching Romero's Night of the Living Dead at the tender age of 6 which solidified Julianne’s respect for the Undead. Since that day, she has been preparing herself for the (inevitable) Zombie Apocalypse. While classically trained in all of the ways to defend herself, she took up writing in order to process the desire she now covets; to bestow a second and final death upon the Undead. As the only girl growing up in a family with four children in the Canadian countryside, Julianne needed some form of escape. Her choice was the imaginations of others which only fostered the vibrancy of her own.
Days with the Undead: Book One is her first full-length book, the basis of which can be found in her popular web serial of the same name. Along with many zombie shorts published on her blog, she has a story in Women of the Living Dead as well as two zombie pieces; a standalone short and a collection releasing the summer of 2013. Julianne’s second novel in her Days with the Undead series will also be released in 2013. Stay tuned!
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Days with the Undead: Book One
It’s a journal of survival.
Five people set out to escape the Undead who have risen too close to home. Join the emotional and physical struggle as they began on the third day after the awakening of Brooks VanReit, as they are recorded from the point of view of Julie, a former pathologist and part-time survivalist.
Each entry is geared toward helping those who want to help themselves and maybe give a few that don’t a swift kick in the ass. Join our group of survivors on their journey through these Days with the Undead.
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