Friday, November 13, 2015

Book Reviews in the 21st Century

There are many reviews I read that say simple things like awful 1 star or fantastic 5 stars. These reviews don't provide any information that I can use. I want to know the emotions a book evoked, if you could put it down, or you had to know what was going to happen next.
Some words that help me determine if a reviewer has sold me.

Page Turning
Well Thought Out (that one is subjective sometimes) 

Apparently a lot of S's but you get the point. I want to know how a reviewer felt about the story not that there was a typo of page 20 or that the writer owed them money. That last one is exaggerated a bit, but things are in book reviews that just shouldn't be there.

Also when you talk about things you liked and didn't like in a review you give the author some meat to chomp on. They need that feedback, we crave it. When someone says ^^ "This is good," we really want to know what we've done right.

We won't press, but we want to know. I'm going to try to be better at reviews. I want to share knowledge that's useful to those who want to read and those who wrote what I'm reading.

Have a great Friday and thank you for reading my thoughts.